How much does it cost to use Etsy?

There are no subscription or monthly fees to use Etsy. But there are some fees that Etsy collects:

  • 5% fee on every transaction and shipping that takes place on the platform
  • A payment processing fee that varies depending on the location of your bank
  • $0.20 USD ($0.26 CAD) fee charged for each new and renewed product listing

Remember that Etsy listings have to be renewed every 4 months. And note that Etsy considers each purchase as an update for the listing, so you’ll essentially be charged $0.20 with each purchase.

To learn more about Etsy’s fees, click here for U.S. and here for Canada.

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Printbest™ is a print on demand company powered by SinaLite. We help entrepreneurs, artists, and small business owners sell printed merchandise more easily by printing and dropshipping it straight to their customers.